Toni Araneta
Learning Specialist

Toni Araneta – Learning Specialist
Toni has been an L&D Specialist for Debt Collection since 2019 and joined Invest Blue’s House of Learning in April 2023. Her passion lies in developing Learning Design Experiences that focus on learner-centric principles. Her formula to success is MEMORY + MOTIVATION = MEANINGUL TRAINING EXPERIENCES. Her primary role is to collaborate with Coaches and Experts to design learning objectives that target a role-specific audience, enhance memory retention through reflective activities and motivate our people to apply these lessons into on-the-job situations. With the introduction of IB’s new Learning Management System in 2024 – The Learning Hub – Toni has established the content strategy and Design Standards.
In Toni’s spare time, she listens to podcasts on the growth mindset, reads modern poetry, loves eating at Japanese fine dining restaurants all over Sydney and crystal healing is her way of life.