Maribeth Umali
Administrative Assistant

Maribeth Umali – Administrative Assistant
“I love to be a part of Invest Blue as they promote professionalism and integrity and I am looking forward to learning more to improve my skills and knowledge in the Financial Planning Industry.” Maribeth has a degree in Business Administration and Marketing Management. She used to work as a Business Process Associate, an Administrative Aide, and a Customer Care Officer. She likes working in the financial industry because she firmly believes that Financial Planning will gradually help everyone achieve their long-term goals. She, as an FPA, is always grateful to help clients with different personal circumstances. Achieving their goals would also be meaningful to her. As time goes by, new challenges and improvements in the industry make work more interesting for her. She loves being at the beach and hanging out with friends doing anything they can think of. She also loves watching movies and just scrolling to social media – sharing memes and funny vids.