Jean Lizardo
Administrative Assistant

Jean Lizardo – Administrative Assistant
“What I like the most about working with IB is the people. I feel security and belongingness, in the sense that whatever my queries and concerns are I have people I can tap with, and I know I am heard, and I am treated with respect and compassion.” Jean is a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in English majoring in Applied Linguistics. Before joining IB, she worked in the BPO industry as a Claims Analyst in a banking account where they assist customers with their bank claims, she was also a Provider Service Advocate in a healthcare account where they assist health professionals with checking member’s benefits, preparing prior authorization and checking the status of their claims. What Jean likes about working in the financial planning industry is that it gives her an idea of what she can do to grow her own finances. Before, she really doesn’t have that much deeper idea about investments and is afraid to risk things that she doesn’t understand fully yet. By working in this kind of industry she is now able to personally invest funds in places with low risk (for now). In her spare time, she is focusing on Cultivating Relationships and spending time with family, catching up with friends, reaching out to her colleagues and giving time for herself.