Are we due a share market correction?

April 26th 2019

share market correction main

Share markets around the world – including in Australia – have performed strongly so far in 2019, so much so that we are at risk of a correction or pull back.

But should that occur, it doesn’t mean investors should panic and sell their shares.

Looking back, investors have been on a rollercoaster ride for the last 12 months. We started 2018 off optimistically, but around February markets wobbled on concerns about the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates.

Those concerns reached a crescendo in December when share markets fell sharply from their August/September highs; the US market slumped 20 per cent and Australian shares lost 14 per cent of their value, on the back of a range of fears including around the prospect of an overly aggressive US monetary policy stance, the US/China “trade war”, a slowdown in China and the impact of the partial US Government shutdown.


The bounce

In the first quarter of 2019, we have seen a good rebound, with many of those concerns fading or disappearing.

The shutdown in the US is over, global economic data has slowed but not collapsed and there are some positive signs for growth, and trade war fears have dissipated as the US and China have entered what so far appears to be productive talks.

Markets have also been boosted by stimulus measures, particularly in China, and central banks, most notably the US Fed, have softened their policy stances.

To put this bounce in context, the rally in the US from their lows on Christmas Eve to their recent highs was 23 per cent – a pretty good rebound. (Australian shares have had a 15 per cent gain since.)

But no market goes in a straight line, volatility is a given, and after those big rallies, we are vulnerable to a bit of a pull back or consolidation.


Correction trigger

A possible trigger for a correction is concern about global growth. Economic data has been consistent with some further slowdown into the March quarter and concerns abound about the yield curve inversion in the US – which many investors fear is a warning sign of a forthcoming recession.


Outlook still positive

With the risk of a correction, should investors panic and sell their shares? I don’t think so.

Even though there are risks of a short-term pull back, I think overall this year will be a reasonably positive one for share markets.

There are several reasons for that including:

The combination of improving growth, okay valuations and still relatively easy monetary policy globally should see this year as a good one for shares, notwithstanding the risk of a short-term correction or pull back in markets – both globally and also in Australia.

If you have any questions about this, please get in touch.

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About the Author

Dr Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy and Economics and Chief Economist at AMP Capital is responsible for AMP Capital’s diversified investment funds. He also provides economic forecasts and analysis of key variables and issues affecting, or likely to affect, all asset markets.


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