Our 15-minute discovery calls put you in direct contact with an accredited financial adviser. The introductory call is designed to help you uncover your financial goals and needs and give you a better understanding of where you currently are on your financial journey and any steps to help you achieve your goals and dreams sooner.  

At the end of your session, you should have uncovered your current financial picture and identified some next steps to help you close the gap between where you are now and what you’re working towards. This is a great introduction to see if financial advice may be a right next step for you. 

What is covered?

Who runs the discovery call?  

Our discovery calls are run by one of our qualified and trusted financial advisers. We have both male and female advisers available. 

How is it held?  

You can choose to have your Discovery Call via Team meeting (video) or over the phone, simply select your preference when making your booking. 

Who is this beneficial for? 

Whether you’re starting out on your financial journey or enjoying retirement, our Discovery Call can help bring clarity to your current financial position and steps you could take to improve it. This is meeting is general in nature and is great option for those who want to be pro -active about their finances and understand how financial advice could help. If you have more complex needs or feel your situation can’t be covered in 15 minutes, we recommend booking in our complimentary Understand meeting instead of this meeting. 

What does it cost? 

Our discovery call is complimentary. 

Will I be given financial advice?  

Our discovery call is general in nature and designed to equip with you some tools and point in the right direction to bettering your financial outlook. If we feel you need financial advice, we will recommend booking our 1 hour Understand Meeting, where we can discuss things further and see if the advice is right for you.  

What do I need to bring or provide?  

We highly recommend completing our free Financial Health Check prior to your meeting. As this is a short phone call the results of your health check will allow us to cover more in a shorter amount of time. 

To help better understand your financial picture and retirement outlook, you may be asked for income or superannuation balance.. Having these figures handy will be beneficial. 

What happens after my meeting? 

After your meeting, we will touch base and provide you with any resources or tools we think could benefit you, such as our budgeting tool. If we think you would benefit from a further conversation, you will be invited to a one-hour complimentary understanding meeting with one of our advisers, where we can learn more about your situation and determine whether financial advice is right for you. 

Depending on your situation, you may be invited to proceed to a one hour complimentary Understand meeting with a recommended adviser, where we can learn more about your situation and determine whether financial advice is a right fit for you.