Owning the keys to success
June 26th 2019

From financial shock to realising dreams and putting down firm roots, Christine has been on an extraordinary financial journey in the last 12 months. That is what a strong plan and great working relationship can do. No matter how you define success personally, feeling secure and living your dreams surely forms a big part! Learn how Christine has learned to own her success.
To find one’s personal and financial situation thoroughly disrupted, particularly approaching retirement age, is an overwhelming and confronting proposition.
And while it’s the unfortunate position 62-year-old Christine Rowland found herself in, with the help of Invest Blue’s Armidale advisor, Luke Warren, Christine now has a bright new chapter to look forward. The purchase of her own home marks the achievement of a major financial, and personal, goal, and affords her security going into the next stage of her life.
“I moved in just this month, and now I’m busy placing photo frames, planning a garden and personalising the space – it’s a wonderful, satisfying feeling I never really thought possible. If anyone had told me twelve months ago that I would have the keys to my own home and be excited for my future prospects I simply would not have believed them,” Christine admits.
Christine admits that after a change in personal circumstances due to the breakdown of a relationship, she didn’t imagine ever owning her own home again.
“Luke Warren is an incredible man, he helped me create a plan, set goals, and ultimately reach them.”
With her priority to ensure a roof over her head going into retirement, Christine listed her goals with Luke just 12 short months ago. Within the year she has embarked on a trip of a lifetime to Europe and has recently moved into her very own home in Armidale, NSW.
“It’s quite amazing what we have achieved in such a short amount of time, but Luke got straight in, initially making practical efficiencies, such as rearranging my super so I had fewer fees, and then helping me set guidelines and longer-term goals. Luke was extremely positive and sensitive to my situation, it was he who actually encouraged me to take an overseas trip – which was one of my goals, before embarking on the house.”
Her four and a half weeks in the UK earlier in 2018 proved to revitalise and gave her the confidence to return to Australia and seek out her dream house.
“I felt Luke was so invested in me, and genuinely cares for my happiness and wellbeing – to the point I had a meeting after my trip to show him my travel photos and talk about the trip – you don’t get that from many service providers.”
However, her quest to purchase a home proved more challenging than she expected.
“Finalising some of the legal requirements from my past relationship proved disheartening at times, and really held things up with the bank, but Luke was there every step of the way to guide me and ensured smooth communication throughout. He really took the time to listen to what I wanted to achieve, and set a realistic plan for me.”
The task of physically finding a house also proved tricky, with Armidale house prices have increased significantly in recent years.
“There was one particular home I viewed four times – I eventually offered $25,000 less than the market price and I got the shock of my life when it was accepted! It feels like it was just meant to be, and it’s all the sweeter knowing the long road it took to get here.”
With a beautiful, relaxing feel, Christine said the 1950s home, with high ceilings and a spacious interior already felt like home.
“At my age, starting over and making this commitment is a big thing, but to have the security of a home is absolutely worth it.”
Her advice for anyone else who unexpectedly finds themselves in a challenging financial and personal situation is to seek genuine, up to date advice from a fully accredited firm such as Invest Blue.
“So many friends tried to give me advice and passed on rumours about what others had done and not done – the opinion of others can be very off-putting, but once you go and see a professional and get first-hand advice, you may be surprised by what you can achieve with your money.”
Under Luke’s guidance, Christine is following a strict mortgage and principal repayment process.
“I’ve always been conscious of my budget, and have always kept my goal posts in focus rather than just flutter my money away. I had a term deposit I was able to access for this new home, and I am paying more than my set mortgage payment to save on interest, I like the feeling of security I now have knowing I’m not going week to week without a permanent residence.”
And now she’s literally putting roots down in her new property.
“I’ve never been much of a gardener – but I’m excited to get stuck into the yard come springtime – I’m going to plant a beautiful native garden and attract lots of native birds and I’m just so thrilled. It’s amazing how far you can come in just 12 months.”
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What you need to know
This information is provided by Invest Blue Pty Ltd (ABN 91 100 874 744). The information contained in this article is of general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regards to those matters and seek personal financial, tax and/or legal advice prior to acting on this information. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relations to products and services provided to you.
These clients have agreed to share their story. Everyone’s situation is different, so their choices and outcomes will be different from yours. Consider your circumstances before deciding what’s right for you.